Saturday, December 26, 2009

End of Year, World Still with Us

From within the observation tower atop my massive physique, I was startled to realize that I was still with the world too. Unlike choosing my daily sartorial splendor, facing the unknowns of economic, political and existential crisis almost excites me (perhaps, a call for help). I have no doubt that the ongoing collapse of the American empire and the disarray that portends for all aspects of American power will impact me more cheap Mongolian Cashmere sweaters...just one of the unthinkable shocks to my sense of well-being. Then there is the terrorist media/ entertainment noise machine that tells me that H1N1 and various flesh eating strep infections are waiting for me. I have watched friends turn into infectious medical commentators, Johnny Appleseeds of disinfection...gaily spraying Lysol as they go about their daily routines. The pharmacy has become my new library and armory. I read every sign posted for my benefit: "H1N1 shots here," Yes, they care about us. It is comforting and I wonder how much my pension plan has invested in drug companies and Kleenex. We must soldier on!

Since I have turned 65, I now see myself as a profit center for the health care industry. I am worth more alive than dead to a host of health care providers and related businesses so long as I have Medicare and am showing vital signs for medical billing. This realization has given me a sense of empowerment. I am worth millions...sort, if I were to have to replace some hips, maybe do a computerized hearing aid or two and have a couple of knee replacements. See what I mean? So, staying healthy has become the perverse way of sticking it to the ghouls of the heath care industry. I hate to think that moderation may have a place in my life. So it goes.

I have given up on mental health and I am saving a ton of money. My neurosis and I have become one. Let that sink in. It is not enlightenment that I have achieved, just looking the realization that I , like Popeye, am what I am. Uhmmmm.

These warm fuzzy feelings in no way release me from the obligation to rage that the excess of moral cowardice, greed and reckless evil that works it way through the political system. I hope you will join me and enjoy another year of chaos and venality in living color....the world as it spins.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Audacity of Nope: Now More Than Ever

Nope, we are not going to drink the Obama cool aid. The delusional quality of the surge speech, 1 December, was masked by a supremely well delivered address (all the more frightening as the style covered the lack of logic and substance) harkening back to the rhetorical heights of the Kennedy presidency. Obama is no George W. Bush and yet he calls us to national unity after he acknowledges the apparent lack of consensus about his proposed expansion of the war in AFPAK lands. He stated the obvious: we have a weak economy, an over-stressed military, and a very sceptical public, tired of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. So he calls for that which he has just admitted doesn't exist and cannot as long as people assess the facts in the real world.

We were not told how he would pay for the expanded war while he also needs to pay for health care and rebuilding the national infrastructure. The states are collapsing under the weight of lost revenues and unemployment numbers not seen in a quarter of a century.

He and his advisors have conveniently put aside the counterinsurgency doctrine manual written by the very generals running the two wars currently under way. The numbers of allied troops needed to clear and hold a country the size of Afghanistan would be in the range of 630,000. The doctrine did not fit the political situation so the doctrine mysteriously changed. Just as the numbers that were presented to the Bush administration by the Joint Chiefs in the run up to Iraq were deemed too high: ergo, the numbers change and the strategy is built on rosy projections of allied and indigenous troops joining the fight to hold key cites and choke-points along the southern border with Pakistan.

The idea that the enemy will react to this incremental pressure with a number of counter moves has seemed to escape those in Obamaland. Winter is upon the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, and military operations will be at a virtual standstill until the spring of next year. It would be especially ominous if the insurgency continue the fight during the winter. We are still seeing plenty of fighting and it is December. With more Americans to shoot and material to loot and blow up, the opportunities for high profile attacks go way up....remember the Tet Offensive....of course not. Force protection, i.e. soldiers protecting soldiers, becomes an ever bigger issue as the U.S. military presence is enhanced. The Taliban know that the American public is sceptical about the war...A Tet-like offensive in several areas at once could see our casualties go from eight a week into the hundreds. The enemy has patience; it is their land and their tribal networks we seek to overcome. Obama did not address any of the possible options of a counter attack by the a time of their choosing.

The speech Tuesday night was a classic of imperial newspeak. Obama stated that America is not an imperialist power in the classic sense. With over 450 major bases and hundreds more installations around the world, with a navy that is larger than the next three navies combined and a military budget that is larger than that of the entire EU, Russia, and China's defense budgets combined...why would anyone think that the United States posed a potential or actual threat to them? Stephen M. Walt in Foreign Policy has added up a conservative score card for American causalities versus Muslims killed by American actions. The numbers for the past 30 years are 10,325 Americans killed and 288,000 Muslims killed (see ). You want to know why they hate us? Read this piece and think about the kind of firepower and carnage that is about to descend upon Afghanistan.

Obama is going to be a one term president for all the wrong reasons. Had he withdrawn the troops and lost the next election, he would have a place of honor in American history; this move will mark him as just another spineless political opportunist who played at being a leader without truly being one.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ray Charles, Health Care and the Spiral Downward

Our recent absence from the blogosphere is over. I have been catching up on my growing irritation with the Bama and his travelling circus. Cornel West put his finger on it ( Ray Charles coming up) in a New Yorker interview with David Remnick this week (Nov.2,2009). West said that he was impressed by the "spectacle" mastery of the President, Brother Barack. West loved the spectacle, but warned in Yoda like tones," the end, even spectacle has to deal with the darkness. That's where the Blues man comes in." Of course, when talking about The Brother, with brother West, allusions to Jazz are never far away. But, it is hard to grove to anything in a bulletproof vest. Had West talked about being "black and blue" it might have made more sense given the state of the President's political agenda and the policy misfires that have been as frequent as a July 4th celebration on The Mall.

When think about our first Black/White President, I have been guided by a Ray Charles "Anthology" CD that resonated with the words of brother West. The track,"I Don't Need No Doctor" and "That Lucky Old Sun" were buzzing around in my brain as the non-health care, opt out-public option for almost no one bill was put forward by the Senate Majority Leader ( a misnomer of the first order). Ray needs love to heal him in his "I Don't Need No Doctor." If the insurance industry gets its way, that is the only thing any of will have to rely on for health care...
Plans to tax health acre benefits are in the same bone headed and heartless category as was the taxing of tuition remission benefits...socially regressive and put forward by Democratic administrations. Brother West has got to be singing the Blues over this one. As the screws are tightening on the poor and the middling classes, the endless work Day is accelerated by technologically niffy productivity tools. There's no place now that one may not work with the help of the electronic yoke around one's neck.

The compulsion to work, to check to response to check yet again and empty the emails....Sex offenders only wear ankle bracelets. The rest of us are faced with Blue Tooth, I-Pods, net books, notebooks, thumb drives and ten's of thousands of helpful applications that we do not have time to learn how to use because we are just trying to keep up with the storm of real tie info that may be useless anyway do to the push to get news out there 24/7. So Ray's critique of the work world of the sharecropper has morphed into the electronic sweatshop. The lash unemployment and global competition now substitute for the overseers whip....lose the family heath plan and have to go home and announce that. It is terrifying and almost universal in keeping the worker bees buzzing. Mr. Sun is lucky just playing in that sky all day...for sure.

I feel for Cornel West as he tries to stay honest while the show is already over and the failure is across the spectrum of domestic and foreign policy issues. Two wars, domestic "recovery" without employment, and the states cutting programs and services. The blessing is that people are stunned, scared and drugged...if they have insurance.

Have a groovy day,
Mr. Sun

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kennedy Still Dead as Press Corps Perspective

Yes, it's true that Teddy was never involved in the assassination of a foreign leader like brother John was with Diem of Vietnam or Bobby and his hit men going after Castro. He had a mishap with Mary Jo. Still, she was not a head of state and it didn't seem to be intentional.

The "liberal lion" stayed within a party that played along with the destruction of the regulatory system that protected the financial system, allowed for the worst disparities of income since the 1920's and couldn't get a decent health care bill through the Congress for 50 years.

I know I'm missing something here. The bullshit being shovelled by everyone from George Will to Keith Obermann just stuns me. Had Kennedy lead the fight for a real democratic party as in social democratic party, we might have someone to miss. As it is, he was just another player on the team that rules this country and ruins it; the torch is passed to one or another party hack: what is the difference to the average citizen?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama and His Advisors

You just have to wonder: what planet do these fools live on? recent news story reported that Obama and advisers were surprised by the course of the health care debate. Why would you admit to be that stupid or naive or both.

The strength of the Obama aura was it 's glow of calm confidence and competence. "Yes we can," was the short version of, " We are so smart and well meaning and cute that we can't be stopped. We have truth and justice on our side." Anyone who was watching as Obama's transition team started to play the old game of going to the same golden Rolodex for candidates for political appointments, saw the early signs of trouble in Camelot II.

The reality that now faces us is the following: There is no new Democratic coalition around any shared agenda. Obama has alienated his loyal liberal base and shown a total lack of understanding of how to drive a democratic agenda to reshape the nation after the chaos of the Bush years and the lawless plundering of financial system by Wall Street and it's Congressional helpers.

To say that there is an exhaustion of ideas is to miss the point; there is a pervasive fear of systemic change so strong that a minor reform needed to stabilize the health care system is seen as the road to socialism: when it is the road to reestablishing the legitimacy of the two party system; the political leadership on both sides are too stupid to see that; worse, they see it and can't make it happen.

What now? The irrationality of the debate around health care shows how fragmented and disorganized are the elites in this country; there are economic, national security and elites preservation issues here and there is nada in the way of focused and managed debate. If the Democrats fall apart over health care and the mob mentality created and managed by the Republicans fosters more anxiety and disorder to further destabilize Obama's Office, we will see citizen activism that may not be pretty...Just in case you need to have an image of not pretty, see clips of Congressional town meetings.

Currently, the press is hoping that the mini bubble of the stock market will make us all feel better and wish ourselves out of this depression we are in. There is absolutely nothing to the numbers that gives any indication that consumers will start any kind of rebound...ergo, there is no recovery on the horizon. The massive number of resets on home mortgages and commercial properties in distress make any "green shoots" argument sound just plain stupid. The Fed. Reserve has been manipulating the markets to prop up the faux rally and some financial journalists have actually noticed that fact.

So, go to your A/C machine and sit in front of it; try not to melt down with the empire.

love always

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Counting Words and Slow News Day at Politico

What gives with the kids at Politico? My eyes landed on an article"Obama's words downplay wars"(8/13/09). Okay, true enough and let's talk about that issue...Noooo, instead we get this bean counting, well word counting nonsense that reads like a term paper from a graduate school linguistics seminar.

Guess what kids, Obama is leading the nation into an endless war, a grave yard for every empire that has tried to control the tribal groups of Afghanistan. We would be better off dropping money on would be cheaper than sending troops. Gary Schroen's book, First In is a model for how to deal with Afghanistan and it's all about family and feuds and funds.

Meanwhile, the polysyllabic men of Politico refine their their software programs to reveal that Obama has talked more about domestic issues than he has about foreign wars we are losing. Dah...wonder why that could he about to get the bad news from his new military, this is going to cost you (us) big time. It is pretty obvious that Obama is about to end any chance for reform at home when he expands the war overseas. The Dogs, blue and otherwise in Congress will use the expanding war requirements as a way of strangling reform on every front at home....the real war is against the poor and uninsured, the unemployed and others who seek aid from their Taliban for sure!

E are about to get a kick in the teeth from this President that will lay to rest any notions of serious intent on his part to pull back from imperial adventures overseas. So, dudes at Politico put the grad. seminar papers away, cover the story, save some lives maybe.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Anyone Home?

Dear Friends of Summer,

Sure, you ave to worry about the economy and Swine Flu and HINI and Kuzu...But, has anyone been watching the rocks up on the mountaintops of Afghanistan? Well Walter Pincus of the Washington Post wrote a story in the Sunday Washington Post that put me right back in the summer of 1965 when this country slid into the longest and most ruinous war until Iraq and now Afghanistan.

As Americans frolic in the water parks about the fairest of lands on the crowded planet, eating themselves into insensibility, the generals over in hell...Afghanistan are saying what nobody wants to hear: we will be there for a decade or more and spend at least 80 Billion a year on military and development aid. If you are a mercenary or KPR, this is music to your ears; if you are an Afghan arms dealer or tribal leader, there is money to be made selling your loyalty to the strongest party of the moment. The Grate Game is once again in motion and another empire is about to pay the price.

Obama is leading this country into a quagmire as deep and disastrous as Vietnam. The military is talking counterinsurgency while building up ground forces of it own....our troops are leading the fight...why, because, the national army is incapable of doing....there is no nation-state in Afghanistan. It is a fraud and the Old Testament world that prevails there (except for weapons and drug trafficking) gives no indication of changing. We need to dis engage and let the Taliban and everyone else know that we will contain the crazies that operate out of their territories. Pull back and let the regional powers deal with the mess.

Later this month, Mc Crystal will give his assessment of what is will not be his assessment because, the White House will shape it to their own interests...we all know that. So, as you slather on the BBQ sauce for the ribs, think of the kids from Detroit and Rapid City who will be on the Pakistani boarder...why?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Too Much Love and Not Enough Love

I am so glad to have lived long enough to watch " The Daily Show" and " The Colbert Report." Last night, 5 August, Colbert did a number on the "astro-turf mobs" that have been disrupting Democratic lawmakers town meetings in their home districts. In two minutes, Colbert uncovered their funding and logistics support from P.R. firms funded by the heathcare industry. It was a superb piece of journalism in the comedy mode...just gave me the giggles.

Stewart commented on to the non-news reports about the Girls from N. Korea and Bill's great adventure. Fox snuzz was all over Bill for going to N.K. and the government for not shooting his plane down before he weakened our country's resolve to fight terrorism....Stewart just pointed out that Reagan had done far more during the Iranian Crisis of the 1980's to trade guns for hostages and that he lied about that and a whole lot more. Without Fox, the writers on The Daily Show would have to be funny on their own...It appears that the right wing laugh fest will continue to role on and keep Daily Show writes fully employed into the foreseeable week.

I was looking the other way and missed the latest shootings in Pa. I have to lay the blame on and the insaneidea that we are all entitled to be happy and in love and have an arsenal in case we are not happy and in love. Of course, this guy was not able to get a date: he was a computer geek, obsessed about his looks and worked for a law firm. Hmmm, that describes about a hundred thousand other losers out there....sorry, I meant to say, fine Americans who love their women and guns too much.

Now, we will get the feminists going on about all women hating men as being potentially gun crazed lunatics. Rather than realizing that hating women has been at the core of our religious and cultural traditions for hundreds of,most of our major religious groups have at one time or another supported the subordination of women, there has been systemic discrimination in wages and benefits for women and denial for them of protection against abuse. So, one nut job is a tragedy for the families involved, a nation with systemic abuse that killed and continues to kill hundreds and thousands through neglect and lawlessness is just business as usual.

Have a Nice Day

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Out to Lunch

Have been playing and shopping for essentials for the nitty-gritty of existence....blinds, etc. In the meantime and we do mean MEAN time, the world continues to revolve and regurgitate meaningfully. We have been contemplating some of the offering by the media sphincter.

WaPo reported today that various U.S. attorneys are competing for the high profile cases of the Gitmo detainees. Oh, how careers are built upon the mountains of bones and broken bodies of so many: too many to be counted at this point. Still, there is no end to the idiocy of the people's choice in Kansas. Both the Governor and a Senator have denounced any play that would put any of the detainees at Fort Leavenworth. The Governor was really worried that the reputation of the fort would be marred by the celebrity guests. There are rumors that Trump may offer one of his bankrupt casinos as the site for a prison facility for the Gitmo refugees. It is just impossible to make these guys sound any more stupid than they are...and they were elected by the good citizens of Kansas.

Bill is over in N. Korea to see if he can get the girls back. Good luck Bill. We expect that Bill's date book may be exchanged for the two jounalists. As we all know, the careers of these two ladies is made...the book deals, interviews and national tours should more than compensate them for their inconvenience. Will it be Diane Swayer or Katie Coric who gets to them first? Inquiring minds want to know.

By the way, has anyone been following the two wars we are still conducting. It is very likely that more troops will be going to Afghanistan as the draw down in Iraq continues. The fact of the matter is that 60,000 for 200,000 troops will make absolutely no difference in Afghanistan unless there is a tribal solution to power sharing by interested parties. The U.S. ignores a thousand years of history by plunging deeper into this conflict.

The clowns of Wall Street continue to dance around and wish a false recovery into being and the media dances right along with them. The mortgage crisis continues and unemployment will hit 11% by the end of March...Yes, kids, I have spoken. Remember, we were being told by the Obamaists that 9% was the worse they foresaw in 2009. It is past that right now. If the numbers were real, we would be taking about 16% unemployment now...if we included discouraged workers. Unemployment among minority youth is double the national average. So, what's to celebrate?

Yes, the billions of dollars of bonus money that is about to be bestowed upon Wall Street';s most deserving! That is good news. Your tax dollars at work.

Have a happy

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Brew Hah, Hah, Military Spending, Diseased Care

"Bud Lite" will be served at the Peace Picnic of the 21 Century to be convened by Obama, with Gates and Sgt. J. Crowley in attendance. If this is a "teachable moment" it should teach the White House to offer a decent domestic beer. Jesus Christ, a Sam Adams would have been a nice gesture: a brew from Massachusetts that does not make one gag as does Bud lite.

This is what passes for leadership from the President as the Congress is being sodomized by the health industry lobbyists and the military-industrial complex is stuffing its pockets through no bid contracts introduced in the House, defense appropriations bill. To say that these are obscenities is just too kind a description. As the "Blue Dog Dems" rail about spending for heath care, they mostly remain supine over the defense over runs and corruption of the political process that is the earmarks process that allows for pork barrel projects to bloat the defense bill.

Perhaps, the Congress is suffering under the illusion that the financial press is creating that the markets have been rebounding and that the worst is over; so, business as usual. This is too bad for all of us. For the average guy who's pension has lost 40% of its value over the last year, the next downturn will just leave him on the mat where he is already. The banks are hugely exposed to mortgage ARM resets that are coming do over the next two years and the commercial real estate market is sliding off a cliff.

So, sipping lousy beer in the garden with Skip and Jim just doesn't cut it...this country has weigh bigger stuff to deal with than the contra-temp of the Affaire Gates. I can just see how young Black Men are going feel safer because Skip Gates has gotten his pound of flesh from the Cambridge Police Department. Yeah, this is a teachable moment all right...smoke and mirror anyone?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Beers and Understanding, A Latin Beat

While Gates and his police officer partner, will be sipping beer at the White House, a NYT editorial put La Affaire Gates in perspective. The Immigration and Custom's Enforcement Agents have been trashing the Constitutional rights of Latinos and violating due process and search and seizure laws. The Cardozo Law Clinic has produced a report on hundreds of cases of ICE agents in violation of basic rules of law. trampling over the lives of defenseless immigrants and non-citizens and citizens. Just reading the few details of the report mentioned in the NYTimes editorial is revolting.

It makes me laugh that Obama has so much time for Skip Gates and his troubles while this outrage got zip comment from the Oracle on Pennsylvania Avenue. The report showed a systemic and long standing program of criminal behavior on the part of gangsters with badges and loaded weapons. This report should produce a wave of firings and arrests of ICE agents for crimes under official cover of the law. Of course, this type of report gets written about every twenty years. I wonder where the Latino politicians and media are when something like this should produce mass protest....? The faceless, the poor, with limited English, and no power....perfect as a punching bag for the agents of the state...who was in charge? Who let this happen?

Meanwhile, the papers are reporting the undoing of the el-Presidente's health care fantasy. He has been swallowed up and spit out by his own party....Of course, he can say, " Well, who else do they have to vote for." The said truth is that Obama and the Democrats are set themselves up for a backlash from independent voters who rightly feel they have been defrauded. And so it goes.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bad Seeds and Other Hilarity

I saw a heart warming advertisement for a film called, " Orphan." Suffice it to say that it looked like a pile of Bat Guano. But, a story about "bad seed" movies got me thinking, not always a good thing. It appears that preteen and junior high kids are a new horror type...This may be believable to anyone who has been out on the street when a junior high has been emptied upon a street at dismissal time. But, to call the little tykes demon seed is, perhaps, stretching it a bit. This there is a long tradition in literature and film that portrays children as perverse or possessed....I have found that to be true only with the onset of puberty....One institution in America has consistently demonized children and made money doing so...the Catholic church. See our blog entry on the Ryan Report and it's implications for the United States July 7, 2009.

Political corruption and you: perfect in New Jersey! You got to love love the theatrics around the commentary concerning the recent commotion about play to play politics in New Jersey. When ha sit been any different? And, does it make things work or is there actually a problem here? What yo ask? A very simple question. Does corruption lessen the efficiency of the political process or make it work. It is a wonderful question for poli sci classes and bar room conversations. Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney in New Jersey gets to posture about money corrupting politics....gee, josh Opie!

The best part of the corruption story is the rabbi connection. After the scandals of the Catholic Church's cover up of pedophilia, this looks like mere parking ticket violations by independent contractors...some exotic Syrian interesting.

California apologizes to the Chinese. The story of the exploitation of Chinese laborers and it correlative racism is not just a California story. The United States Government turned a blind eye to it; happily, it was just a part of the exploitation of cheap labor on a global basis: Chinese, southern European Slavic groups. The needs of industrial capitalism and robber baron greed were a symphony of misery, death and humiliation for tens of millions of contract labors in from the late 18th Century to the present....yes, my dears, we have our undocumented aliens and white slave trade still going on under our noses. Still, it was nice that Arnold acknowledged how Leland Stanford got the money to build his university.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gates Soap Opera Now on the Air!

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. continues to provide his followers with more entertaining rhetoric about his harrowing encounters with The Leviathan of state power...cop in Cambridge. America is a twitter over this comedy of errors.

According Yahoo News 22 July 2009, Boston is in a food fight over the Affaire Gates. We remain a yawing. The Obama is supposed to have said that the cop was stupid. Not the best move from a far. Oh well, the show must go on...I am reminded of Fred Sanford, clutching his heart and calling to Elizabeth. But, I liked Red Fox's performance...more authentic and well played.

A Gastro-Intestinal View of the Legislative Process

We have been amazed by the similarity of the functioning of the intestinal tract and the legislative system of the House and Senate. In the end, the results are the same for both systems, a steaming pile of offal.

Many years ago, before most of you could read, Walter Karp wrote a book, Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America. This book makes my point in a somewhat more genteel fashion. Karp was a friend of the divine Lewis of Lapham, one of the finest chroniclers of the decline of the American Imperium. Lapham has kept Karp's work alive through the journal Harpers' Magazine. those of you have had the joy of reading Lapham rip the imperial jesters another one, understand that he does not recommend political writing that is light weight. So, go and find Karp and clutch his book to your bosom and then, read it. It is as timely now as it was when it came out decades ago. It removes the mystery of how the two party system is actually a one party plutocracy and explains how it got that way.

As the health care "reform" legislation is mangled in Congress, You will understand the silliness of this exercise in democratic appearances and be able to see the ugliness of the real process.

By the way, we recommend a posting on the Daily Kos by Edgar concerning Canadian health care. Apparently, poor Edgar was subjected to "socialized medicine" and it worked and saved his life for a grand total of $18 dollars out of pocket and a $40 monthly premium. Those poor bastards up north.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gates and More Gates plus a House is Not a Home

Apparently, Harvard Prof Henry Louis Gates, Jr. owes a debt of gratitude to the Cambridge Police Department for giving him an idea for his next PBS special. It is unlikely that Dr. Gates will share any proceeds from the project with the local PBA. As all the world now knows, Gates was arrested on the porch of his home when he followed a cop onto his porch, insisting on the cop telling him what his name was and badge number. The cops had been called to Gates hoe by a neighbor who thought she saw two black men try to break into Gates home. Well, she was right. But, it was Gates and his limo driver. The cops actually showed up and questioned Gates. It would have been all over but for Gates indignation at being questioned by the cop who had n way of knowing that the PBS star was who he was. As the cop was walking out, Gates was getting more and more insistent and the cop finally arrested him for disorderly conduct.

The picture in the Washington Post shows Gates in a rather animated pose...a pose he insists he would not take under such circumstances..."wolfing" it. Apparently, As Gates was being arrested he had an epiphany: this happens to Black people without friends at the Harvard Law School....outrage, script for TV series, interview with media....charges dropped. Off to Martha's Vineyard to recover.from humiliation....

I'm sorry. If Dr. Gates needs to be rousted by the cops to be made aware that those less privileged than he is are at a significant disadvantage before the minions of the law, he needs to take a course in criminal justice in my Harlem neighborhood. Of course, the Rev. Al Sharpton will
fill him in on being poor and Black in America. What a circus.

Another Gates, A little white man in Washington D.C. has robbed billions from the military/industrial complex and almost gotten away with it. Sec. of Defense Gates seems to have prevailed in his quest to kill the supplemental appropriation for more F22 fighter jets. The useless, over priced and maintenance plagued plane was voted down in the Senate by decisive margin, with bi-partisan votes. it now goes to a committee to reconcile the conflicting votes by Senate and House. If Saxby Chambliss is not able to incite Russia to attack can see Russia from Alaska, the useless plane may be dead. This is a small miracle in the world of make work military contracting....Life is getting hard for everyone....Swing Low Sweet Chariot.....

On another front, Luke Mullins of U.S. News and World Report shows that the mortgage crisis is only accelerating and the Obama program to low foreclosures down has been a sham ( my word). Today, 1 in 84 Americans have received a filling of foreclosure. Thirty percent of homes in America are now in a negative equity position (house is worth less than mortgage). Some cute little Italian B School prof from U of Chi has interesting proposal for addressing the crisis. Professor Luigi Zingales proposes a debt for equity arrangement with banks. Seems sensible but will never work because it seems sensible....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chance the Gardner: are we in that movie?

If you have not heard of the film or the book, "Being There," you need to see the film for the best commentary on the current political babble about the late economy of the United States. The plot goes something like this: an idiot becomes candidate for Presdient of the United States when people mistake his gardening advise as metaphors for insights about the economy.

So, when I heard the green shoots metaphor used in the financial press, I looked for the nearest pop corn stand. Is it possible that noboby in the administration had any down time between elementary school and their government service to watch one of the best movies on the illusions of power and the making of power through illusions? These folks need to let out more often.

A week of breathtaking analysis of Al Franken's ability to be boring like his Senate colleagues has shown that Al can look catatonic as the rest of the Senate members. We wee i enlightened by the headlines about Franken's seriousness. Jesus Christ, any idiot can be a Senator, look at Coburn or Sessions or Ensign. But, the country has lost a great humorist...not a very good trade at all.

The press is beginning to see Obama's move to the right as his strategic mistake....of course, there were people who said all along that he was not a liberal activist...nobody listened. Now, Obama sees that he is losing his supporters over the health care sell out, Gitmo and Afghanistan. The Democrats don't have to worry about the Republicans; the REPS will self destruct....But, there is no there there. The Democrats have refused to truly define themselves as an activist people's party. Too bad, they are going to lose the good will of many of the good, naive people who put Obama into the White House.

The Washington Post has a front line report front Afghanistan today that was brilliant and frightening. read it and as Country Joe once said, "We got to get out of that place, if it's the last thing we ever do." Anne Scott Tyson wrote a scary, brilliant piece. It sounded like Halberstram channeling his thoughts about Vietnam 40 plus years ago. And so it goes. Or, that the way it is.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Court Jesters and PTSD

We've been lolling about and just stuck our head up long enough to hear the moron Sen. Coburn make his ethic slur while "questioning" Sotomayor. She brushed it off and moved on. I would have enjoyed it if she has gotten up and hit the obstuse moron in the mouth Of course, I do not advise high public officials on comportment...good thing too.

A recent poll showed that people were in no way moved by the hearing, from positions they held about the court nominee prior to the hearings. Since, very little of substance has happened during the Republicans questioning. who could be surprised. The E-word was used and disposed of quickly...the media showing tapes of Bush One mentioning the E-word during the Thomas hearings. Maybe, someone should do a comparision of their credendials to sit on the court. What a joke fest that would, when it is over, we have a talented, experienced and liberal mind on the court to engage the righ wing ofthe court. Should be fun.

Another NYTimes piece today July 17, 2009 about violence, terror and uncertainty could be bad for your health. Vets from the last three wars since 2001 have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in ever increasing numbers. Read the article and it is clear that prolonged deployments and repeated deployments have added to the psychological wounds for these Vets. Much of this damage is directly a matter of policy about managing the war and the troop levels. We don't need to go back and talk about the reasons that got us into these conflicts.

I hope every idiot who is about to sign their kids papers to let them join High School ROTC or go into the military will read this article and maybe the report itself...College fund is great....except when you can't concentrate and loud noises send you diving for cover....To say that the country owes these vets is just the obvious...we owe it to ourselves to try and stop the imperial foreign policy that makes cannon fodder of the less privileged in our country....The bullshit about a volunteer army is just that....the poor and less affluent go the rich and their kids do not,

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Lawlessness in High Places

It just gets weirder and wackier by the day. We took some time, eat some ribs, drank a lot and came back to the blog-a-sphere with the hope that there was hope...rhymes with dope. Glen Greenwald, writing in Salon, posted 7/13, continues to beat the crap out of the new/ old administration on the pseudo-investigations that Congress authorized when it legalized Bush's spying with the amendment to the renewed FISA act. Greenwald shows how lame a pseudo investigative tool is the IG Office in getting to the bottom of the crimes of the Bush era.

Greenwald goes on to rip the administration another one on it support for war criminals-unless they are from Africa. Obama made stirring statements about bring African war criminals to justice....just not our own. Well, it would be too messy he tells us and it would distract us from looking forward. What crap. I highly recommend Greenwald to you all...Yes, I was in southern Connecticut over the weekend!

It is freaking time that the euphemisms just stop about water boarding and other torture techniques. The Washington Post reporter Carrie Johnson's piece on Sunday July 12 drove me wild with is line...[acts]"that could be likened to torture." What the hell is she talking about? Everyone, from John McCain to the Post Office have characterized the interrogation methods in dispute as crimes and torture. The only problem here is holding anyone accountable for them. Posties get a grip...please.

Another Postie wrote a really reassuring piece on the mental fatigue and relentless grind of the White House. Michael Shear's piece (7/13) should reassure us all that people with little sleep and inhuman schedules are making life and death decisions for the nation. Gee, how wonderful is that! It is not the usual puff piece and actually asked questions about what and why are people doing this to themselves...even when not being tortured by the CIA. The usual bullshit that you hear from the overachievers and under rested crowd is, " The Country needs us and our leader demands results." This is no way to run a candy store much less the Office of POTUS. Grow up and catch some zzz before you hurt yourselves.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

O brother, Obama, David Brooks on Dignity?

Polls are being taken and the President appears to be losing some of his charm for independent voters. Meanwhile, the Congress has just crushed Obama on a signing statement that he attached a recent appropriations bill. The Congress voted 429-2 to rebuke Obama statement. Barney Frank was adamant in saying that the President's conduct in this instance was arrogant and troubling.....Wll, does it remind anyone of another guy who was way into signing statement nullification of the congress's will...Hint, begins with a B...

Obama's secret weapon is the Republican Party and the demento commentariate of the right. When you ask yourself, who would you rather have takng up space in the nation's capitol, Obama still looks good by comparison...Only by comparison.

I am so thrilled that Joseph Galloway had two pieces on McNamara that truly buried him. Galloway writes for The Mc Clatchy News chain. He said it all. Read his two articles ion 7/6 and 7/7. I will not have to add anything to Galloway's commentary. And, I share in his delight to be reading this guy's obit. Kissinger should not be far behind....Henry, veer are you?

David Brooks is so cute sometimes. I think of Andy Hardy and Spin and Marty when I read him. He really is too smart to be associated with the he hangs with Edmund Burke and channel's George Washington for advice on what has happened to dignity in the public sphere. The guy is having a hard time watching the human comedy down in the pit of D.C. I am sure his health plan has drug coverage...use it David, your right, we're screwed and doomed until the next election cycle. See his piece in today's NYTimes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Health Cares Biggest Fraud

How could anyone think that a healthcare bill going through a Congress owed by the very industry it is legislating about would produce a consumer friendly piece of work? Many comments have been made in the past month or so about how Obama is being played on health care; a rerun of the banking stimulus disaster. Henry Myerson, writing in the Washington Post (July 8)wondered why Obama has not unleashed his army of political supporters who made his victory possible. These are the 13 plus millions of dedicated supporters whose names are in the data banks of the Democratic National Committee. Myerson is perplexed by the lack of mobilization by Obama 's team for such a key fight.

The answer is obvious: the rank and file are far more liberal in their thinking about health acre and most other issues. Once they are mobilized, they may get out of control. The disaster shaping up now around the various strange constructions in the House and Senate bills are pure Beltway gamesmanship. Myerson seems to be thinking that the President is the leader of the nation and not just a tool of corporate interests. I have to assume that Myerson reads his own paper and saw the chart produced by his colleagues on the extensive connections between ex-staffers of the Senate Finance Committee and big Pharma. All you have to do is read The National Nurses Movement Blog to gage the impact of the betrayal that is playing itself out in the halls of congress.

We are witnessing the Obama administration betraying it promise to the country and weakening itself for the 2010 election cycle. The Republicans wish that Obama fails and he is obliging them with fake reform proposals that are ludicrous when closely examined. The fact that the single payer option has to jammed back into the discussion after Obama kicked it aside tells you that he is doomed to be just another player in the system of interest group deals in D.C.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Irish Church: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Things are not going so well these days in the Emerald Isle. The real estate bubble popped and the banks cratered with the real estate implosion. If that wasn't enough, there has been the troubles over an investigation of the treatment of the inmates at a reform school run by The Christian Brothers. The investigation, known as The Ryan Report, details the ill treatment dished out to children in this notorious reformatory. The Irish Times had an opinion piece by Jim Beresford (6/18/09) calling The Ryan Report a whitewash for failing to engage the issue of institutionalized psycho-sexual violence routinely practiced by The Christian Brothers Order. Mr. Beresford was, at one time, an inmate of the reformatory that was the subject of the report. The impact of The Christian Brothers teaching order on the Irish national character was profound; they were sanctioned by the state to education the youth of Ireland for generations. Read the piece, especially, if your a recovering Catholic.

The cover up that Beresford speaks about in the Irish context is quite the same on this side of the pond. The passing of the dramatic sex scandals in the American Church never addressed the sadism and brutality of the various teaching orders; the violence (discipline) was especially acute in schools for working class children. In 1950's America, there was no child abuse because it was known as discipline...a rein of terror existed in many classroom, unrestrained by the authorities and supported by parents who had been battered by the same thugs when they were children.

Things have changed; many of the sadists are dead and lay teachers are doing most of the teaching in Catholic schools today. Still, it is a shame that the Church in America has this dirty little secret that is still shrouded in silence. When I hear people say to me that I must have gotten a great education; I ask them what they mean. The ones over 50 always talk about discipline and self control. Had I gone to Attica Prison, I could have gotten better treatment and my parents would not have been burdened with the tuition and fees.

In general, the physical brutally was aimed at the boys; however, that was not always the case. Still, the overall atmosphere of psychological and physical intimidation was pervasive. There should be a truth commission in this country that talks directly to the issues raised by Jim Beresford in the Irish context. American Catholicism needs to come clean; as they say, confession is good for the soul.

Coldest Known Object Hoax and stock tip for the Day

We are smarter than the average bear and saw something fishy in a story on Yahoo about the coldest object in space being a man made instrument package for space exploration. We contacted Anne Coulter people and asked them if she knew that something in space was supposed to be colder than she was...they just laughed and said no way. As the space object was still .1 above absolute zero, we believe Colture's people have the edge on this one...coldest object in the known universe....the Coultergeist.

An article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine had a stimulating piece on vibrator use and sexual health. More women than men have used them. Of the subjects who used vibrators, many reported positive results in terms of satisfaction and arousal. Anne Coulter was not mentioned in this article.

You do not need to be writing for Smart Money to realize the implications for the solar battery industry. Al Gore had no comment on the issue of battery disposal and the environmental impact of vibrator use on a planetary scale.

Check out the You Tube land. Apparently, there is "techno war music." And where there's war the Fuhrer rears his ugly head in some amusing clips. Yes, there is Hitler humor after "The Producers." Hitler, Hess, Goering and so many more to disco and other tunes. Quite a Monty sort of way.

McNamara Lives!

Don't cry for Bob, yes, some called him Bob, McNamara because he lives on in the system that he served as Secretary of Defense during the Sixties. The policy elites who run our current wars and prepare for the next war are just as devoted as McNamara was to the technocratic mindset. Rumsfled was almost a clone of the business school mindset about war as was Bob. The arrogance that got us into Vietnam has gotten into Afghanistan and Iraq. McNamara lives in the Orwellian language of military intellectuals who speak of kinetic battlefields and full spectrum dominance. The use of a pseudo scientific language covers a multitude of sins of omission ie, the lack of historical and political understanding of peoples and cultures not akin to our own. We blundered into Vietnam because we did not listen to the French, did not understand the people we were about to fight and dismissed the few experts we had within our own government who warned against a ground war in Asia.

Bob McNamara lives on. Bob Gates is finding out how hard it is root out the interests that use the war machine as a means to fuel their state's economy and guarantee their reelections. The waste that McNamara tried to control is today impeding the country's recovery from the greatest economic collapse since the 1930's.

Bob McNamara lives.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wa/Po Froomkin Loses Cherry, North Korea Solved!

Dan Froomkin's Blog, White House Watch is terrific stuff. But, the kid surely has just about had it with the Obamatron and his merry men. Froomkin, he looks like his name (cute), tore the administration another one over the consistent undermining of the transparency promise of the early golden days of long January 2009. Indeed, through the miracle of the Post's, "way back machine" I was able to read the virginal love song of the Froomster after the Obama speech to his worthies at the White house on January 21. The Froom's s article of the 22 January was so full of good will and hopefulness that I had to take something to settle my stomach before I continued on my way through the posts to his column. It is a real lesson in how a very level headed columnist has been almost totally turned off by the Bushian blow back on the Obama people. The DoJ has employed the same idiotic rationalizations as the previous administration...when they had their spines removed is yet to be determined. Perhaps, Geraldo Rivera is on to that story.

North Korea: Problem solved by Rutabaga Ridgepol. No idea who this is. And yet he spoke to me when I caught his post on TPM ( Talking Points Memo); this blog is a very successful, social democratic group of Wiemar intellectuals released from the amber and blogging away, creating chaos wherever they alight. Just wonderful writing and intelligent analysis. Back to the Rut guy. He noted that "The Dear Leader" is about to keel over and his number one son is a basket ball nut....this intelligence was picked up from a kitchen help guy. Rut says that Obama can straighten nuclear stuff out on basket ball court and personal coaching clinic with Phil Jackson, etc. Hans Morganthau could not have put it better...I only hope Hillery has a computer in her office. Rut must have cc her on this one.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

North Korea May Honor U.S. On July 4th!!!

Yes, it's true. You got it here first. The North Koreans may send a rocket's red glare out over the Pacific on the Fourth of July. How anyone can think that this rocket launch might be anything but a friendly gesture from the Beloved Leader himself. Well, the Defense Department is amused and has said that the launch was expected. This might upset the North because it sort of gives it away....we all like surprises, don't we? It is not known whether the famous American fireworks family, the Gruccis have had anything to do with this launch.

As you know, rockets over NYC were prohibited by former Mayor Giuliani in a show strength against the Chinese years ago. Oh, that was Chinese in Chinatown, that is. Do not panic and stock pile and more than you already have for a normal July 4th catastrophe. Ice, beer, condiments; DVD's and hard liquor for the real men among you, girls included. I will be joining some Constitutional scholars at a Constitution burning and BBQ at Foley Square. Later, we will g to the Joyce Theater for the experimental dance of the Federalists Papers, performed by The Paul Taylor dancers.....

Happy Rockets and Rockeets to you all

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dowd barks and her commenters howl

When I was informed of the Maureen column, I rushed to read and commento. Shut, the comments section was like the line for the last life boat on the Titanic. No freaking room at the Inn. So, settled down and read a page or two. Jesus, people really funny and enjoying being Sanforized.

Like an idiot, I was reading the Times story on the Marines moving into southern Afghanistan to put their new counter-insurgency plan into operation. A dear friend called and I tear-arsed my way to the Dowd column. Once again, she just doesn't get it. The Strategic Air Command got it, massive nuclear retaliation. You want to cut down on guys messing around: arm the women. Yeah, it would be messy for awhile, the murder rate would rise by 400% for a few years. But, honor killings could be surprised they aren't in the South Carolina Constitution.

I must say that the sucky weather in NYC has kept me glued to my computer and the webbie warped commentary on Sanford. Now, here comes an Edwards story with video! This may be known as "The Summer of Sleaze." Did Henry Mancini do a song by that name? Could all this distraction be a nefarious plot by your stock broker to get you to stop threatening to sue him or her? Think about it...maybe not.

Another gem rolled off the NYT turnip truck. In the business section today, it was reported that 75% of medically induced personal bankruptcies are filed by folks who had health insurance. Scamming the public is what they do; our friends at United Health Care are mention as was the sacred cow AARP. Who better to sell useless insurance to but the elderly. you just have to love these guys.

"All life is connected grasshopper." So, imagine my delight in seeing the learned comment by Melena Ryzik on the new Dillinger film. This passed winter I bought a fedora at Housing Works Thrift Shop. I was drawn to it. Now, I know why. I can be just like Johnny Depp in the movie...minus the Thompson .45 cal. sub machine gun. This story follows yesterday's tempest between the NYPD and the Banking Community ( leper colony). The romanticism of a bank robber movie, set in a depression, starring a strikingly handsome Depp...well, if I were Commissioner Kelly, I'd be telling my robbery guys no vacations this summer me buckos. I predict huge fedora sales from movie and I am trying to corner the quality felt supplies around the globe. Anyone want in?

All the above jewels were found online in the 7/1/09

Thank you Times for the fun and games...minus the Marines and healthcare fraud.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama Shape Shifting into Bush 43

Well, don't just shake your head and say, "There you go again , being cynical." Check out Josh Gerstein's well done piece in (6/30) on recent court decisions that have stymied the Obama administration from continuing to assert broad executive powers to hold terrorist suspects, and to assert that the courts have no role in determining the status of the detainees over seas. Federal judges appointed by Bush 43 have given the Obama DOJ lessons in why you don't want to piss off a federal judge with stupid arguments. The courts are openly attacking the administration and questioning the credulity of the cases that seem to evaporate in the light of judicial review.

So, we marvel at the marvie ironies of Bush 43 appointees reading the riot act to Obama lawyers over claims of executive privilege. The title of the article by Gerstein is "George W. Bush appointees break Barak Obama on terror policies."

In the mean time, the gift that keeps on giving, the gov. Sanford story. His penchant for giving press conferences and interviews (that none really want to hear) have become an stimulus package so to speak. The AP reported that its staff had access to the gov. crying in his office again, speaking about god and doors opening ( look before you leap). This is well beyond SNL and should be an entire panel at the American Psychiatric Association's next convention. Rush Limbaugh thinks Obama made Sanford do it because the poor man was so distraught over the path of America's decline; Sanford just said screw it, and he is did just that. Does Rush take regular urine tests or not?

By the way, has anyone heard from California lately? Recent stories that the Obama administration has told the state's leaders to drop dead on the state's fiscal crisis reminds me of the famous Gerald Ford position during the New York City fiscal crisis during the 1970's. Are these guys serious? True, the state has a bunch of idiots in the legislature and propositions have been passed by brain dead voters on several occasions to exacerbate the current crisis; still, California generates about 20% of the GDP of the country. Standing alone, the state is the world's 8th largest economy. It just doesn't seem smart or sane to be playing the fiscal rectitude game right now. They need serious help or we will be calling troops back from Afghanistan sooner than we think.

Sweet Dreams

Monday, June 29, 2009

God, Guns, Banks and Killing the Budda

Today's NYTimes was shimmering with tips from the cosmos....well, little bits of demented diamonds falling from the heavenly web edition. Katherine Q. Seeley article ( are you ready for this title) "God, Firearms and America come Together at a Church in Kentucky." The article does nothing to dispel one's horror at the title of this piece. This story comes from Louisville where indoor plumbing has been a tradition for generation.

One quote from the good pastor, Ken Pagano (Jersey transplant) "But for a deep seated belief in God and firearms, this country would not be here today." This article is not a screen play for a Michael Moore movie or Borat II. This is as unreal as reality can get. A must read for those of you who are thinking of retiring to a gentler southern clime.

Breathless, I staggered to "the City Room" and ran into Dominick Tao's piece on a spat between the NYPD and " the banking community." It appears that bank heists are up for 2008 over the previous year by 57%. This surge in bank robbing entreprenurialism has alarmed the NYPD; they in turn have suggested to the banks and the City Council that more bulletproof glass would be a good idea. The bankers have a more Diggers like approach to the issue. They don't think it's a good idea to frustrate the bad guys, who may take out their frustrations upon the bank staff and customers....precisely the reason why I carry 250K in small denominated bills when I go to B of A. I'm with the bank guys. Let them get the cash and get out, so that the NYPD may have the fun of chasing them. I am with the banks on this one. The real bank robberies have already happened in the financial bail outs; these amateurs who get maybe 11-12 grand a heist are just pests compared to Bernie and the Wall Street "Banksters" crowd...

Finally, I was lifted into the stratosphere by the Blog ktB (Kill the Budda). The post by Jeff Sharlet entitled, " Michael Jackson, Mark Sanford,& the Synagogue of Satan" left me tingling with joy at the shear lunatic brilliance of the piece and its creator...we are not worthy.

love and piece,

Food Fight Between WaPo and Nico of Huff Post

Saturn Smith posted on's Open Salon 28 June 2009 a video clip of Dana Milbank and Nico Pitney going at one another as if in a genteel version of The Jerry Springer Show: for those who can read without moving their lips ( guilty). This is hilarious. Almost as good as Obama's and the Iranian President's bloviations ( much used term of Obama staffers).

Salon is dangerously close to The Onion's territory. Stories such as the food fight (Wapo vs Nico) are so delicious that one needs to run a mile after reading them...they are too good not to be fattening.

Madoff to Read Classics as Rehab while doing time

Yes, we have an in with the Bureau of Prisons and have suggested a grueling reading program for Bernie starting with Proust and descending to Ayn Rand. It is possible that his attorney could plead that Rand is just too much punishment for a man Bernie's age. True sadists would, of course, have him read De Sade and if he acts out, French literary theory from the 60's on. Too horrible to contemplate; he does not deserve your pity.

The CIA used aural torture of its suspects. Why not have Matoff listen to old records of T.S. Eliot reading "The Hollow Man." That would fix his wagon. Everyday would seem as if it were 150 years. Bernie could be sent to the Modern Language Association meetings for the next 150 years or just one year...same difference.

Please add your suggestions of fit reading as punishment for transgressive behavior of the felonious kind....perhaps Genet?

The Big Sleep, Krugman loses it and Macho Man

The dead seem to be everywhere these days. In the past week, a veritable celebrity massacre has occurred and not a word from the President or the Secretary of Homeland Security to reassure us that the administration will have a "war on death" plan soon. Could it be that the infighting between Homeland Security and DOD is retarding the longevity offensive we need to push back death and keep all of us around to consume our way out of the current depression ( recessions are for punks). We note the passing of pitch man Billy Mays an feel a twinge of guilt for all those times we mute buttoned him. Sorry Billy. Unfortunately, he is replaceable.

Paul Krugman the nice professor from the NYTimes has gone ballistic and accused those who voted against the climate legislation of committing treason. This is not the Dr. Krugman I have come to love. He called them ignorant, self interested and venal and treasonous. I would have thought that ignorant and self interested would have covered it. He is going to face some real heat on this comment from this Sundays online NYT opinion piece. He is sounding too much like the meat heads he so justly dislikes. Bad, bad, bad Dr. Krugman.

In the mean time I discover Charles M Blow of the NyTimes who's mission is data visualization. I don't have a clue what that means, but he got my attention with his remarks on "the Affaire Sanford." We quote the maestro himself, " 'Hiking the Appalachian Trail.' Is that what we're calling it these days" This line alone should get him a Peabody or a job on The Daily Show, writing for Jon Stewart.

He dumps all over the poor Red States and their lust for Internet porn and assorted audio-visual aids. He quotes from a learned treatise on the Porn industry that yours truely has now read; it is an amazing study in the marketing characteristics of the porn industry, with titillating details e.g. Red States consume just as porn as Blue States and the state that consumes the most internet porn per 1000 broadband users is Utah. How sweet is that. This learned study was done by one Professor Edelman of the Harvard Business School and appears in the Journal of economic perspectives, volume 23, number 1, Winter 2009. There is some rough language such as " regression analysis."This should be considered adult reading material. The actual title of the article is " RedLight States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?"

start with

I owe Charles Blow for starting my day with a cosmic grin on my face. He has his own blog called Blog By the Numbers. Check it out.

We move on to "The Death of Macho" by Reihan Salam in of all places Foreign Policy posted 6/22 on the FP website. It is actually an intelligent analysis on the stresses facing men in the global economy now and going forward. Worth the read. Macho man, poor macho man. Sigh.....

Obama Speak on the Sunday talkies:

David of Alexlrod has accused the President of Iran of playing politics when he objected to U.S. statements on the current Iranian crisis. Isn't politics his job sort of. Have we missed the irony of the Alxelrod. Apparently, the high minded D of A lives in the land of OZ where politics is not the job of the head of state. Mucho weird.

Thank you for your support,

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Times They Aren't Changing: preventative detention

Rachel Maddow called out Obama on his recent speech proposing an official policy rationalizing preventative detention in national security cases. Of course, many of you served detention in high school. This proposal on detention is somewhat different and shows Obama is either brain dead, self deluded or more cynical than I am. Google "you tube" and watch Rachel man handle ( if that turns you on) this proposal to justify something he railed against during his campaign.

Glenn Greenwald in the opinion section of June 28, 2009 smacked the Washington Post upside the head for floating a story that was clearly designed by the Obama media factory to test the winds in opposition or support on his preventative detention proposals. Greenwald riped the Post for uncritically swallowing the sound bites from the ever lovely anonymous sources; one beauty was that civil liberty organizations favor one approach to preventative detention over another. Say what?! Greenwald was on a role and just stomped the Posties pretty good. I found it disheartening that not only the Posties were involved, so was ProPublica an investigative reporting group. Man, you have got to read Greenwald, like dog with a bone. He also embedded the Rachel bomb to the Bama man.

For those of you who still hold out hope that Bambi's mother was only wounded and that Obama is really going to be better than his predecessor, my hat is off to you. Just let me know what your smoking. Greenwald and are to be thanked for calling it as it is: a freaking disgrace for the Posties to be used by the administration to propose such an Obamination. I am especially puzzled by the Post, my favorite mainstream media outlet. What gives? This is Judith Miller land on WMDs.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Taking The Hill

I have barely enough time these days to read," Bicycling: World's Leading Bike Magazine." The blogosphere sucks up all within its reach. I know there is life out beyond the blog but is it air conditioned?

We are in mourning this a.m. for the passing of Jacko and Farah. Today, is a bad hair day the world over. We had barely gotten Ed McMahon's demise comprehended when the lights went out for many of us....for whatever reason. Still, there is hope for another day with the announcement by The Hill of the 50 most beautiful people in D.C. for 2008. You have got to read these profiles.

Still, we must go on and take on The, a wildly entertaining blog about the congress. How could it be other than entertaining when it is about capital capers. Perhaps my lack of sleep made me a bit more giddy than usual at the piece on a congressional committee attempting to force more money on the administration for F-22 fighter planes. The Secretary of Defense says he doesn't want them, the country doesn't need them and there isn't anyone around who could possible be a threat to the already huge air force we have in place. Of course, as the movie "Independence Day" proved, you never know who is out there in the far reaches of the galaxy. The Obama administration is preparing to veto the appropriation bill and Gates will way in to stop the buying of a weapon's system with no mission. This is about jobs in the home district and these congressional patriots are willing to give their all to put more money into a program, that the Defense Secretary says is useless to the needs of the military mission.

While we hear sticker shock over health care, tens of billions in obsolete and useless weapons programs rubble along, almost unstoppable. Kind of funny in a way...if you have a sick sense of humor.... And who doesn't have a sick sense of humor these days? Okay, Hanna Montana!

More later, once I get some more sleep,

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Horror, The Horror or Crying in Argentina

Another time out from reality as the media dumbs down for the Mark Sanford morality play. So much for health care, North Korea, Iran and the sale of the state of California on ebay. The AP had an analysis piece this a.m. that was priceless, "Analysis: Why do politicians cheat?" It was almost anguished in its tone. Political psychologists were spoken to and comments were made about guys with huge...egos. The article was stern in tone. The NY Times blogista, Kate Phillips on "The Caucus" piece was more urbane, but, of course, it would be. Bless her heart she included some emails ,alleged to be from correspondence between Mark and Maria of Argentine fame. I did not read beyond her posting of a brief sample of this private correspondence.

(disclaimer: I am not a trained analyst or lit. critter)

Having disclaimed all responsibility for what I am about to say, I must observe the more sensitive side of the Governor surprised me....For a man who was prepared to see people in his state go hungry on principle, I was not expecting such angst from the tough guy from the land of John C. Calhoun. I have to assume that agents for many publishers have taken note of the governor's sensitive prose style. Can a book deal be far off? There are so many lessons to be learned here...none of them of the slightest use to the nation in dealing with any of our country's serious troubles.

Still, who among us can drive past a car crash without looking....? How will the Reps. rebound; or to put it in a Cosellian riff "Will the party of Lincoln resuscitate itself and fight it's way back into the game. Here for further insight is Frank Gifford....Well, maybe not." We miss Howard? Sorry, I lost focus. As Tallulah Bankhead once observed, " There is less here than meets the eye."

Your humble servant,

The Horror, The Horror!

[ I lost this in the ether and thought it was more thoughtful any the other post on this burning issue]

Thank god, we can get away from the real issues of the day and talk about Mark Sanford and his "issues." has something from the AP called "Analysis: Why do politicians cheat?" It read like a script from "Sex and the City' Worse, it could have been a sermon from the Oprah mobile. Because the story was analysis, political scientists were asked to comment. It's always nice to know that certain people are still alive and still commenting, even on something as stupid as this story. I got a bit nervous when one scientist was quoted talking about "out sized" this and that. I think that I could be a bit over stimulated by all these cheap thrills.

The press shows itself to be the gawkers at the crash seen, just like anyone else. The venerable NYTimes, blogista Kate Phillips tried to refrain herself and lost it when she quoted from alleged emails between Mark and Maria that were posted by a South Carolina paper. Actually, aspiring pols out there should read them; they show the governor is a lot more self aware as a bounder than as the chief executive of a small, humid state. I will not talk about a stimulus package for fear it could be taken the wrong way.

Back to Liz at the AP and the agonizing why, oh why do they do it....cheat that is. Well, maybe Liz didn't read the stuff that Kate had on her site and helpfully added a link to The State newspaper for more of the Proustian musings of gov. Sanford. It's amazing that no one has yet done the evolutionary biology dodge....I think I read in some old Cosmo or Popular Mechanics piece. It goes like this: men have huge, sex specific neural transmitters and many more than girls. So guys may be prone to acting like idiots because it is their destiny...sorry Darth V. I have heard this learned theory expounded in detail by many barologists and friends over the years. It makes sense the more one drinks.

We all owe the governor a debt of gratitude because Iran is depressing, North Korea is plain scary and California is about to be sold on ebay. If you pay attention to the health care debate you will become depressed and may need medical intervention that you can't afford or can't get your HMO to approve.

I am still waiting to hear from Karl Rove on the new swinging Republican Party; yeah, I was like the rest of you; thinking that the Reps were a bunch of uptight, bible thumping, golf obsessed to speak. Sure, they are...but there is this sensitive side to them too. I for one think that we should look past the obvious and seek out the existential truth of this crisis on the sand hills of the Carolinas. Anybody know if John C. Calhoun fooled around?

Let us not forget that we all would want a good friend like Cubby to lean at such a moment.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What about this Guy Cillizza at The Wash Post?

Like David Shuster of MSNBC, Chris Cillizza has to ask his mom's permission to stay out late to cover world events. The picture of Mr. Chris on his Post column is a nice one; he is smiling as opposed to the semi-serious pose he does on Keith Obermann's MSNBC show. It is just that Cillizza smiling over his column today on "the Affaire Sanford," ( my characterization) will give the evil genius Rove more ammo to talk about the biased, liberal media. Sure the picture is probably from when he graduated from college; nonetheless, the impression it gives is one of glee as he reports the political car wreak of Sanford's misdeed. I am smiling so much these days that I could hurt myself.

It's great that Cillizza had a happy childhood and smiles a lot; still, he needs to ask himself, "What would Morrow do?" The Washington Post probably has other reporters who smile as well and they need to address this pressing issue before Karl gets there....Be afraid.