Friday, January 28, 2011

They are rioting,well everywhere.

While we were all asleep, the Tunisians (Barberry Pirates) set about having their own version of a Prague Spring. Let's hope the Tunisian version lasts longer than the Czech rebellion of 1968. But, the Tunisians did not reckon with the shock wave that they have sent across the Middle East.
It is obvious that the local conditions in the individual country dictates the shape of the expression that protest will take. Still, it is just plain fun to watch the people take to the streets and express their grievances in a mostly peaceful way: remarkable given the brutality of the regimes themselves.
The United States has been supportive of corrupt regimes in the region for most of the post WWII era. Together with the French and British, we have played the divide and rule game ; now we find ourselves looking for some way of getting on the side of the people in the streets. Wonder what our friends in Mossad are thinking?
We should not be naive and think that Egypt will go the way of a western style democracy. Remember, the best organized political force in the country besides the military is the Muslim Brotherhood. They are keeping a low profile. However, when the smoke clears the Brothers will be a major force in any government. Lots of luck to our State Department buddies working the crowds in Cairo!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Violence There's Violence in America?

Dear Blogosphere:
I came out of my trance the other day to find the media chimps up in arms over the senseless shootings in Arizona. So, I sat back and turned the tube off and saved myself thousands of dollars by not putting my foot through the flat screen. There was also the consideration of the NFL playoffs coming along.
I guess I just asked myself about the "sensible" violence" that national leadership is dispensing around the world, the two wars in progress, the many covert operations going on in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. to say that politicians are self-serving and deluded is too obvious; the more entertaining spectacle is the media asking soul searching questions about the rhetorical climate of hate filled political speech...bla, bla, bla.
This country is at war with tens of millions of people around the world; our Congress funds a machine of violence to the tune of 600 plus billions of dollars a year: not counting the spooks, the additional monies for wars in supplemental appropriations and other monies disguised as foreign aid.
The chattering class is having a field day; after all, the Arizona shooting came at a low point in the weekly news cycle. There is a god for low ratings. So, we will be faced with the media condemning bad speech by bad politicians while the media virtually ignores Iraq and the other little wars we are in around the world. What utter self serving hypocrisy. The United States is the most violent advanced industrial society on earth. Have a nice day. Go Jets.