Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gates Soap Opera Now on the Air!

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. continues to provide his followers with more entertaining rhetoric about his harrowing encounters with The Leviathan of state power...cop in Cambridge. America is a twitter over this comedy of errors.

According Yahoo News 22 July 2009, Boston is in a food fight over the Affaire Gates. We remain a yawing. The Obama is supposed to have said that the cop was stupid. Not the best move from a far. Oh well, the show must go on...I am reminded of Fred Sanford, clutching his heart and calling to Elizabeth. But, I liked Red Fox's performance...more authentic and well played.

1 comment:

  1. And it's front and center of the NYT online.
    I guess you (Mr. Attackandcritique) believe it was a scenario scripted by Gates and the police together to keep us occupied during a low news season.

    lmcd aka anonymous
