Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kennedy Still Dead as Press Corps Perspective

Yes, it's true that Teddy was never involved in the assassination of a foreign leader like brother John was with Diem of Vietnam or Bobby and his hit men going after Castro. He had a mishap with Mary Jo. Still, she was not a head of state and it didn't seem to be intentional.

The "liberal lion" stayed within a party that played along with the destruction of the regulatory system that protected the financial system, allowed for the worst disparities of income since the 1920's and couldn't get a decent health care bill through the Congress for 50 years.

I know I'm missing something here. The bullshit being shovelled by everyone from George Will to Keith Obermann just stuns me. Had Kennedy lead the fight for a real democratic party as in social democratic party, we might have someone to miss. As it is, he was just another player on the team that rules this country and ruins it; the torch is passed to one or another party hack: what is the difference to the average citizen?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama and His Advisors

You just have to wonder: what planet do these fools live on? recent news story reported that Obama and advisers were surprised by the course of the health care debate. Why would you admit to be that stupid or naive or both.

The strength of the Obama aura was it 's glow of calm confidence and competence. "Yes we can," was the short version of, " We are so smart and well meaning and cute that we can't be stopped. We have truth and justice on our side." Anyone who was watching as Obama's transition team started to play the old game of going to the same golden Rolodex for candidates for political appointments, saw the early signs of trouble in Camelot II.

The reality that now faces us is the following: There is no new Democratic coalition around any shared agenda. Obama has alienated his loyal liberal base and shown a total lack of understanding of how to drive a democratic agenda to reshape the nation after the chaos of the Bush years and the lawless plundering of financial system by Wall Street and it's Congressional helpers.

To say that there is an exhaustion of ideas is to miss the point; there is a pervasive fear of systemic change so strong that a minor reform needed to stabilize the health care system is seen as the road to socialism: when it is the road to reestablishing the legitimacy of the two party system; the political leadership on both sides are too stupid to see that; worse, they see it and can't make it happen.

What now? The irrationality of the debate around health care shows how fragmented and disorganized are the elites in this country; there are economic, national security and elites preservation issues here and there is nada in the way of focused and managed debate. If the Democrats fall apart over health care and the mob mentality created and managed by the Republicans fosters more anxiety and disorder to further destabilize Obama's Office, we will see citizen activism that may not be pretty...Just in case you need to have an image of not pretty, see clips of Congressional town meetings.

Currently, the press is hoping that the mini bubble of the stock market will make us all feel better and wish ourselves out of this depression we are in. There is absolutely nothing to the numbers that gives any indication that consumers will start any kind of rebound...ergo, there is no recovery on the horizon. The massive number of resets on home mortgages and commercial properties in distress make any "green shoots" argument sound just plain stupid. The Fed. Reserve has been manipulating the markets to prop up the faux rally and some financial journalists have actually noticed that fact.

So, go to your A/C machine and sit in front of it; try not to melt down with the empire.

love always

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Counting Words and Slow News Day at Politico

What gives with the kids at Politico? My eyes landed on an article"Obama's words downplay wars"(8/13/09). Okay, true enough and let's talk about that issue...Noooo, instead we get this bean counting, well word counting nonsense that reads like a term paper from a graduate school linguistics seminar.

Guess what kids, Obama is leading the nation into an endless war, a grave yard for every empire that has tried to control the tribal groups of Afghanistan. We would be better off dropping money on would be cheaper than sending troops. Gary Schroen's book, First In is a model for how to deal with Afghanistan and it's all about family and feuds and funds.

Meanwhile, the polysyllabic men of Politico refine their their software programs to reveal that Obama has talked more about domestic issues than he has about foreign wars we are losing. Dah...wonder why that could he about to get the bad news from his new military, this is going to cost you (us) big time. It is pretty obvious that Obama is about to end any chance for reform at home when he expands the war overseas. The Dogs, blue and otherwise in Congress will use the expanding war requirements as a way of strangling reform on every front at home....the real war is against the poor and uninsured, the unemployed and others who seek aid from their Taliban for sure!

E are about to get a kick in the teeth from this President that will lay to rest any notions of serious intent on his part to pull back from imperial adventures overseas. So, dudes at Politico put the grad. seminar papers away, cover the story, save some lives maybe.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Anyone Home?

Dear Friends of Summer,

Sure, you ave to worry about the economy and Swine Flu and HINI and Kuzu...But, has anyone been watching the rocks up on the mountaintops of Afghanistan? Well Walter Pincus of the Washington Post wrote a story in the Sunday Washington Post that put me right back in the summer of 1965 when this country slid into the longest and most ruinous war until Iraq and now Afghanistan.

As Americans frolic in the water parks about the fairest of lands on the crowded planet, eating themselves into insensibility, the generals over in hell...Afghanistan are saying what nobody wants to hear: we will be there for a decade or more and spend at least 80 Billion a year on military and development aid. If you are a mercenary or KPR, this is music to your ears; if you are an Afghan arms dealer or tribal leader, there is money to be made selling your loyalty to the strongest party of the moment. The Grate Game is once again in motion and another empire is about to pay the price.

Obama is leading this country into a quagmire as deep and disastrous as Vietnam. The military is talking counterinsurgency while building up ground forces of it own....our troops are leading the fight...why, because, the national army is incapable of doing....there is no nation-state in Afghanistan. It is a fraud and the Old Testament world that prevails there (except for weapons and drug trafficking) gives no indication of changing. We need to dis engage and let the Taliban and everyone else know that we will contain the crazies that operate out of their territories. Pull back and let the regional powers deal with the mess.

Later this month, Mc Crystal will give his assessment of what is will not be his assessment because, the White House will shape it to their own interests...we all know that. So, as you slather on the BBQ sauce for the ribs, think of the kids from Detroit and Rapid City who will be on the Pakistani boarder...why?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Too Much Love and Not Enough Love

I am so glad to have lived long enough to watch " The Daily Show" and " The Colbert Report." Last night, 5 August, Colbert did a number on the "astro-turf mobs" that have been disrupting Democratic lawmakers town meetings in their home districts. In two minutes, Colbert uncovered their funding and logistics support from P.R. firms funded by the heathcare industry. It was a superb piece of journalism in the comedy mode...just gave me the giggles.

Stewart commented on to the non-news reports about the Girls from N. Korea and Bill's great adventure. Fox snuzz was all over Bill for going to N.K. and the government for not shooting his plane down before he weakened our country's resolve to fight terrorism....Stewart just pointed out that Reagan had done far more during the Iranian Crisis of the 1980's to trade guns for hostages and that he lied about that and a whole lot more. Without Fox, the writers on The Daily Show would have to be funny on their own...It appears that the right wing laugh fest will continue to role on and keep Daily Show writes fully employed into the foreseeable week.

I was looking the other way and missed the latest shootings in Pa. I have to lay the blame on and the insaneidea that we are all entitled to be happy and in love and have an arsenal in case we are not happy and in love. Of course, this guy was not able to get a date: he was a computer geek, obsessed about his looks and worked for a law firm. Hmmm, that describes about a hundred thousand other losers out there....sorry, I meant to say, fine Americans who love their women and guns too much.

Now, we will get the feminists going on about all women hating men as being potentially gun crazed lunatics. Rather than realizing that hating women has been at the core of our religious and cultural traditions for hundreds of,most of our major religious groups have at one time or another supported the subordination of women, there has been systemic discrimination in wages and benefits for women and denial for them of protection against abuse. So, one nut job is a tragedy for the families involved, a nation with systemic abuse that killed and continues to kill hundreds and thousands through neglect and lawlessness is just business as usual.

Have a Nice Day

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Out to Lunch

Have been playing and shopping for essentials for the nitty-gritty of existence....blinds, etc. In the meantime and we do mean MEAN time, the world continues to revolve and regurgitate meaningfully. We have been contemplating some of the offering by the media sphincter.

WaPo reported today that various U.S. attorneys are competing for the high profile cases of the Gitmo detainees. Oh, how careers are built upon the mountains of bones and broken bodies of so many: too many to be counted at this point. Still, there is no end to the idiocy of the people's choice in Kansas. Both the Governor and a Senator have denounced any play that would put any of the detainees at Fort Leavenworth. The Governor was really worried that the reputation of the fort would be marred by the celebrity guests. There are rumors that Trump may offer one of his bankrupt casinos as the site for a prison facility for the Gitmo refugees. It is just impossible to make these guys sound any more stupid than they are...and they were elected by the good citizens of Kansas.

Bill is over in N. Korea to see if he can get the girls back. Good luck Bill. We expect that Bill's date book may be exchanged for the two jounalists. As we all know, the careers of these two ladies is made...the book deals, interviews and national tours should more than compensate them for their inconvenience. Will it be Diane Swayer or Katie Coric who gets to them first? Inquiring minds want to know.

By the way, has anyone been following the two wars we are still conducting. It is very likely that more troops will be going to Afghanistan as the draw down in Iraq continues. The fact of the matter is that 60,000 for 200,000 troops will make absolutely no difference in Afghanistan unless there is a tribal solution to power sharing by interested parties. The U.S. ignores a thousand years of history by plunging deeper into this conflict.

The clowns of Wall Street continue to dance around and wish a false recovery into being and the media dances right along with them. The mortgage crisis continues and unemployment will hit 11% by the end of March...Yes, kids, I have spoken. Remember, we were being told by the Obamaists that 9% was the worse they foresaw in 2009. It is past that right now. If the numbers were real, we would be taking about 16% unemployment now...if we included discouraged workers. Unemployment among minority youth is double the national average. So, what's to celebrate?

Yes, the billions of dollars of bonus money that is about to be bestowed upon Wall Street';s most deserving! That is good news. Your tax dollars at work.

Have a happy