Monday, June 29, 2009

The Big Sleep, Krugman loses it and Macho Man

The dead seem to be everywhere these days. In the past week, a veritable celebrity massacre has occurred and not a word from the President or the Secretary of Homeland Security to reassure us that the administration will have a "war on death" plan soon. Could it be that the infighting between Homeland Security and DOD is retarding the longevity offensive we need to push back death and keep all of us around to consume our way out of the current depression ( recessions are for punks). We note the passing of pitch man Billy Mays an feel a twinge of guilt for all those times we mute buttoned him. Sorry Billy. Unfortunately, he is replaceable.

Paul Krugman the nice professor from the NYTimes has gone ballistic and accused those who voted against the climate legislation of committing treason. This is not the Dr. Krugman I have come to love. He called them ignorant, self interested and venal and treasonous. I would have thought that ignorant and self interested would have covered it. He is going to face some real heat on this comment from this Sundays online NYT opinion piece. He is sounding too much like the meat heads he so justly dislikes. Bad, bad, bad Dr. Krugman.

In the mean time I discover Charles M Blow of the NyTimes who's mission is data visualization. I don't have a clue what that means, but he got my attention with his remarks on "the Affaire Sanford." We quote the maestro himself, " 'Hiking the Appalachian Trail.' Is that what we're calling it these days" This line alone should get him a Peabody or a job on The Daily Show, writing for Jon Stewart.

He dumps all over the poor Red States and their lust for Internet porn and assorted audio-visual aids. He quotes from a learned treatise on the Porn industry that yours truely has now read; it is an amazing study in the marketing characteristics of the porn industry, with titillating details e.g. Red States consume just as porn as Blue States and the state that consumes the most internet porn per 1000 broadband users is Utah. How sweet is that. This learned study was done by one Professor Edelman of the Harvard Business School and appears in the Journal of economic perspectives, volume 23, number 1, Winter 2009. There is some rough language such as " regression analysis."This should be considered adult reading material. The actual title of the article is " RedLight States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?"

start with

I owe Charles Blow for starting my day with a cosmic grin on my face. He has his own blog called Blog By the Numbers. Check it out.

We move on to "The Death of Macho" by Reihan Salam in of all places Foreign Policy posted 6/22 on the FP website. It is actually an intelligent analysis on the stresses facing men in the global economy now and going forward. Worth the read. Macho man, poor macho man. Sigh.....

Obama Speak on the Sunday talkies:

David of Alexlrod has accused the President of Iran of playing politics when he objected to U.S. statements on the current Iranian crisis. Isn't politics his job sort of. Have we missed the irony of the Alxelrod. Apparently, the high minded D of A lives in the land of OZ where politics is not the job of the head of state. Mucho weird.

Thank you for your support,

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