Thursday, August 13, 2009

Counting Words and Slow News Day at Politico

What gives with the kids at Politico? My eyes landed on an article"Obama's words downplay wars"(8/13/09). Okay, true enough and let's talk about that issue...Noooo, instead we get this bean counting, well word counting nonsense that reads like a term paper from a graduate school linguistics seminar.

Guess what kids, Obama is leading the nation into an endless war, a grave yard for every empire that has tried to control the tribal groups of Afghanistan. We would be better off dropping money on would be cheaper than sending troops. Gary Schroen's book, First In is a model for how to deal with Afghanistan and it's all about family and feuds and funds.

Meanwhile, the polysyllabic men of Politico refine their their software programs to reveal that Obama has talked more about domestic issues than he has about foreign wars we are losing. Dah...wonder why that could he about to get the bad news from his new military, this is going to cost you (us) big time. It is pretty obvious that Obama is about to end any chance for reform at home when he expands the war overseas. The Dogs, blue and otherwise in Congress will use the expanding war requirements as a way of strangling reform on every front at home....the real war is against the poor and uninsured, the unemployed and others who seek aid from their Taliban for sure!

E are about to get a kick in the teeth from this President that will lay to rest any notions of serious intent on his part to pull back from imperial adventures overseas. So, dudes at Politico put the grad. seminar papers away, cover the story, save some lives maybe.

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