Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Health Cares Biggest Fraud

How could anyone think that a healthcare bill going through a Congress owed by the very industry it is legislating about would produce a consumer friendly piece of work? Many comments have been made in the past month or so about how Obama is being played on health care; a rerun of the banking stimulus disaster. Henry Myerson, writing in the Washington Post (July 8)wondered why Obama has not unleashed his army of political supporters who made his victory possible. These are the 13 plus millions of dedicated supporters whose names are in the data banks of the Democratic National Committee. Myerson is perplexed by the lack of mobilization by Obama 's team for such a key fight.

The answer is obvious: the rank and file are far more liberal in their thinking about health acre and most other issues. Once they are mobilized, they may get out of control. The disaster shaping up now around the various strange constructions in the House and Senate bills are pure Beltway gamesmanship. Myerson seems to be thinking that the President is the leader of the nation and not just a tool of corporate interests. I have to assume that Myerson reads his own paper and saw the chart produced by his colleagues on the extensive connections between ex-staffers of the Senate Finance Committee and big Pharma. All you have to do is read The National Nurses Movement Blog to gage the impact of the betrayal that is playing itself out in the halls of congress.

We are witnessing the Obama administration betraying it promise to the country and weakening itself for the 2010 election cycle. The Republicans wish that Obama fails and he is obliging them with fake reform proposals that are ludicrous when closely examined. The fact that the single payer option has to jammed back into the discussion after Obama kicked it aside tells you that he is doomed to be just another player in the system of interest group deals in D.C.

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