Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Gastro-Intestinal View of the Legislative Process

We have been amazed by the similarity of the functioning of the intestinal tract and the legislative system of the House and Senate. In the end, the results are the same for both systems, a steaming pile of offal.

Many years ago, before most of you could read, Walter Karp wrote a book, Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America. This book makes my point in a somewhat more genteel fashion. Karp was a friend of the divine Lewis of Lapham, one of the finest chroniclers of the decline of the American Imperium. Lapham has kept Karp's work alive through the journal Harpers' Magazine. those of you have had the joy of reading Lapham rip the imperial jesters another one, understand that he does not recommend political writing that is light weight. So, go and find Karp and clutch his book to your bosom and then, read it. It is as timely now as it was when it came out decades ago. It removes the mystery of how the two party system is actually a one party plutocracy and explains how it got that way.

As the health care "reform" legislation is mangled in Congress, You will understand the silliness of this exercise in democratic appearances and be able to see the ugliness of the real process.

By the way, we recommend a posting on the Daily Kos by Edgar concerning Canadian health care. Apparently, poor Edgar was subjected to "socialized medicine" and it worked and saved his life for a grand total of $18 dollars out of pocket and a $40 monthly premium. Those poor bastards up north.


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