Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Horror, The Horror!

[ I lost this in the ether and thought it was more thoughtful any the other post on this burning issue]

Thank god, we can get away from the real issues of the day and talk about Mark Sanford and his "issues." has something from the AP called "Analysis: Why do politicians cheat?" It read like a script from "Sex and the City' Worse, it could have been a sermon from the Oprah mobile. Because the story was analysis, political scientists were asked to comment. It's always nice to know that certain people are still alive and still commenting, even on something as stupid as this story. I got a bit nervous when one scientist was quoted talking about "out sized" this and that. I think that I could be a bit over stimulated by all these cheap thrills.

The press shows itself to be the gawkers at the crash seen, just like anyone else. The venerable NYTimes, blogista Kate Phillips tried to refrain herself and lost it when she quoted from alleged emails between Mark and Maria that were posted by a South Carolina paper. Actually, aspiring pols out there should read them; they show the governor is a lot more self aware as a bounder than as the chief executive of a small, humid state. I will not talk about a stimulus package for fear it could be taken the wrong way.

Back to Liz at the AP and the agonizing why, oh why do they do it....cheat that is. Well, maybe Liz didn't read the stuff that Kate had on her site and helpfully added a link to The State newspaper for more of the Proustian musings of gov. Sanford. It's amazing that no one has yet done the evolutionary biology dodge....I think I read in some old Cosmo or Popular Mechanics piece. It goes like this: men have huge, sex specific neural transmitters and many more than girls. So guys may be prone to acting like idiots because it is their destiny...sorry Darth V. I have heard this learned theory expounded in detail by many barologists and friends over the years. It makes sense the more one drinks.

We all owe the governor a debt of gratitude because Iran is depressing, North Korea is plain scary and California is about to be sold on ebay. If you pay attention to the health care debate you will become depressed and may need medical intervention that you can't afford or can't get your HMO to approve.

I am still waiting to hear from Karl Rove on the new swinging Republican Party; yeah, I was like the rest of you; thinking that the Reps were a bunch of uptight, bible thumping, golf obsessed to speak. Sure, they are...but there is this sensitive side to them too. I for one think that we should look past the obvious and seek out the existential truth of this crisis on the sand hills of the Carolinas. Anybody know if John C. Calhoun fooled around?

Let us not forget that we all would want a good friend like Cubby to lean at such a moment.

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