Sunday, June 28, 2009

Times They Aren't Changing: preventative detention

Rachel Maddow called out Obama on his recent speech proposing an official policy rationalizing preventative detention in national security cases. Of course, many of you served detention in high school. This proposal on detention is somewhat different and shows Obama is either brain dead, self deluded or more cynical than I am. Google "you tube" and watch Rachel man handle ( if that turns you on) this proposal to justify something he railed against during his campaign.

Glenn Greenwald in the opinion section of June 28, 2009 smacked the Washington Post upside the head for floating a story that was clearly designed by the Obama media factory to test the winds in opposition or support on his preventative detention proposals. Greenwald riped the Post for uncritically swallowing the sound bites from the ever lovely anonymous sources; one beauty was that civil liberty organizations favor one approach to preventative detention over another. Say what?! Greenwald was on a role and just stomped the Posties pretty good. I found it disheartening that not only the Posties were involved, so was ProPublica an investigative reporting group. Man, you have got to read Greenwald, like dog with a bone. He also embedded the Rachel bomb to the Bama man.

For those of you who still hold out hope that Bambi's mother was only wounded and that Obama is really going to be better than his predecessor, my hat is off to you. Just let me know what your smoking. Greenwald and are to be thanked for calling it as it is: a freaking disgrace for the Posties to be used by the administration to propose such an Obamination. I am especially puzzled by the Post, my favorite mainstream media outlet. What gives? This is Judith Miller land on WMDs.

1 comment:

  1. Quick: what happened to Bambi's mother?? I thought she was going to be okay?
