Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Lord Giveth and Taketh Away (eth)?

So, Kerry stomped Mayo in the semi-finals of the GAA Championships. I was suicidal until I read in the paper of record that Libya was about to be liberated from the devil we know : The Spring and summer of rebellion continues, minus Bahrain, of course.
How long will it take for Rick Perry to start talking about going Libyan on the Federal Government? How many jeeps and four wheel drive vehicle do you think there are in Texas? Why one could see the dust cloud rising from the Washington Monument when the Perry Ferries ( as the armada would have to be called) made its way to Washington) What other state would have the brass to make them pay tolls, even if it is a state's right to tax vehicles crossing its' territory.
Would Perry go to the U.N.? Not likely. Rick Perry and Hugo Chavez have some personality traits in common....they see devils in the opposition. Wait, maybe Chavez would find this comparison libelous....only a satirical jab compadre. Perry must be asking himself, " How hard would it be to take Washington? Even Obama is running against Washington. Would the defenders of Washington just vanish as the government forces in Libya have disappeared?
Here are signs to look for: Rick Perry appoints one of his a not to smart relatives to be Commander of the Texas National Guard. Troy Aikeman sells Texas two thousand flat bed trucks with gun mounts. Not too suspicious in Texas. Military satellites can only get reruns of Dallas as they pass over Texas during the later months of Perry's losing presidential campaign.
Perry changes his name to Oliver. Why? He invites the U.S. Central Command General Staff over to Austin for a BBQ: bring only your side-arms please.
We will see if the Spring of liberation movements gets the patriot's juices moving. Can't wait.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Walking on the Wild Side

It is almost too much to post anything without feeling that something really stupid will happen and I'll be at it once again. But, I have time and stupid, venal and corrupt are words that get my juices flowing. Sometimes we get all three at once: the Mike Taibbi report in Rolling Stone Magazine on the destruction of thousands of SEC records of past investigations. The article reads like a triple winner: stupid, venal and corrupt government regulators . We will see or, maybe, not. The national attention span is a nano-second long. Plus, we have the terror of the economy and stock market imploding before our very eyes. Tyler, Bertha, Bob and Maria (MSNBC) are in the trenches with the ugly news of the obvious...the gimmicks are not working and U.S. and global economies are sinking.
Speaking of ugly, Rick Perry wants to "ugly" gentle Ben of the Fed. Like most loud mouths, Perry is all hot air. I would love Perry to have to debate gentle Ben on the economy. Still, it is amazing to see the press taking this Perry moron seriously; his creditability on planet earth sinks every time he opens his mouth. Perhaps a more gaseous planet wold be more to his liking...Jupiter?