Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dowd barks and her commenters howl

When I was informed of the Maureen column, I rushed to read and commento. Shut, the comments section was like the line for the last life boat on the Titanic. No freaking room at the Inn. So, settled down and read a page or two. Jesus, people really funny and enjoying being Sanforized.

Like an idiot, I was reading the Times story on the Marines moving into southern Afghanistan to put their new counter-insurgency plan into operation. A dear friend called and I tear-arsed my way to the Dowd column. Once again, she just doesn't get it. The Strategic Air Command got it, massive nuclear retaliation. You want to cut down on guys messing around: arm the women. Yeah, it would be messy for awhile, the murder rate would rise by 400% for a few years. But, honor killings could be surprised they aren't in the South Carolina Constitution.

I must say that the sucky weather in NYC has kept me glued to my computer and the webbie warped commentary on Sanford. Now, here comes an Edwards story with video! This may be known as "The Summer of Sleaze." Did Henry Mancini do a song by that name? Could all this distraction be a nefarious plot by your stock broker to get you to stop threatening to sue him or her? Think about it...maybe not.

Another gem rolled off the NYT turnip truck. In the business section today, it was reported that 75% of medically induced personal bankruptcies are filed by folks who had health insurance. Scamming the public is what they do; our friends at United Health Care are mention as was the sacred cow AARP. Who better to sell useless insurance to but the elderly. you just have to love these guys.

"All life is connected grasshopper." So, imagine my delight in seeing the learned comment by Melena Ryzik on the new Dillinger film. This passed winter I bought a fedora at Housing Works Thrift Shop. I was drawn to it. Now, I know why. I can be just like Johnny Depp in the movie...minus the Thompson .45 cal. sub machine gun. This story follows yesterday's tempest between the NYPD and the Banking Community ( leper colony). The romanticism of a bank robber movie, set in a depression, starring a strikingly handsome Depp...well, if I were Commissioner Kelly, I'd be telling my robbery guys no vacations this summer me buckos. I predict huge fedora sales from movie and I am trying to corner the quality felt supplies around the globe. Anyone want in?

All the above jewels were found online in the 7/1/09

Thank you Times for the fun and games...minus the Marines and healthcare fraud.

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