Saturday, December 26, 2009

End of Year, World Still with Us

From within the observation tower atop my massive physique, I was startled to realize that I was still with the world too. Unlike choosing my daily sartorial splendor, facing the unknowns of economic, political and existential crisis almost excites me (perhaps, a call for help). I have no doubt that the ongoing collapse of the American empire and the disarray that portends for all aspects of American power will impact me more cheap Mongolian Cashmere sweaters...just one of the unthinkable shocks to my sense of well-being. Then there is the terrorist media/ entertainment noise machine that tells me that H1N1 and various flesh eating strep infections are waiting for me. I have watched friends turn into infectious medical commentators, Johnny Appleseeds of disinfection...gaily spraying Lysol as they go about their daily routines. The pharmacy has become my new library and armory. I read every sign posted for my benefit: "H1N1 shots here," Yes, they care about us. It is comforting and I wonder how much my pension plan has invested in drug companies and Kleenex. We must soldier on!

Since I have turned 65, I now see myself as a profit center for the health care industry. I am worth more alive than dead to a host of health care providers and related businesses so long as I have Medicare and am showing vital signs for medical billing. This realization has given me a sense of empowerment. I am worth millions...sort, if I were to have to replace some hips, maybe do a computerized hearing aid or two and have a couple of knee replacements. See what I mean? So, staying healthy has become the perverse way of sticking it to the ghouls of the heath care industry. I hate to think that moderation may have a place in my life. So it goes.

I have given up on mental health and I am saving a ton of money. My neurosis and I have become one. Let that sink in. It is not enlightenment that I have achieved, just looking the realization that I , like Popeye, am what I am. Uhmmmm.

These warm fuzzy feelings in no way release me from the obligation to rage that the excess of moral cowardice, greed and reckless evil that works it way through the political system. I hope you will join me and enjoy another year of chaos and venality in living color....the world as it spins.

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