Friday, July 17, 2009

Court Jesters and PTSD

We've been lolling about and just stuck our head up long enough to hear the moron Sen. Coburn make his ethic slur while "questioning" Sotomayor. She brushed it off and moved on. I would have enjoyed it if she has gotten up and hit the obstuse moron in the mouth Of course, I do not advise high public officials on comportment...good thing too.

A recent poll showed that people were in no way moved by the hearing, from positions they held about the court nominee prior to the hearings. Since, very little of substance has happened during the Republicans questioning. who could be surprised. The E-word was used and disposed of quickly...the media showing tapes of Bush One mentioning the E-word during the Thomas hearings. Maybe, someone should do a comparision of their credendials to sit on the court. What a joke fest that would, when it is over, we have a talented, experienced and liberal mind on the court to engage the righ wing ofthe court. Should be fun.

Another NYTimes piece today July 17, 2009 about violence, terror and uncertainty could be bad for your health. Vets from the last three wars since 2001 have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in ever increasing numbers. Read the article and it is clear that prolonged deployments and repeated deployments have added to the psychological wounds for these Vets. Much of this damage is directly a matter of policy about managing the war and the troop levels. We don't need to go back and talk about the reasons that got us into these conflicts.

I hope every idiot who is about to sign their kids papers to let them join High School ROTC or go into the military will read this article and maybe the report itself...College fund is great....except when you can't concentrate and loud noises send you diving for cover....To say that the country owes these vets is just the obvious...we owe it to ourselves to try and stop the imperial foreign policy that makes cannon fodder of the less privileged in our country....The bullshit about a volunteer army is just that....the poor and less affluent go the rich and their kids do not,

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