Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Conservatives Can Be Sooo Cute!

I just ran across a guy named Armstrong Williams. His blog was featured on The Hill, a pretty reputable political blog from what I can tell. First, I had to find out if this guy was real or if someone was making him up. You just can't be too careful when flirting on the web...so to speak. Yeah, he is for real and has a small right wing media factory of his own and everything. So, I asked myself, "Why would the smart folks at The Hill put his platitudes on their site?" Generally, you want to remove that stuff from your windshield before you start your car. you don't save this stuff...except for gardening purposes. (By the way, we are looking for a garden columist.)

In the posting on The Hill 6/23, the real Mr. Armstrong Williams points out that the national debt is much bigger now than it was when "The Prince" was in the Oval Office in 2007. Williams, like many of the Republican chattering class, seems to make no connection between the economic chaos of the Bush years and the consequences of the enormous debt burdens now staring us in the face. A historical hysteria is a common affliction amongst right wing pundits; not that the Democrats have any use for historical reality....still maintaining that we are a republic and not an empire is almost clinically odd. Obama has little interest in peaking under the sheets of the past administration; history is not policy and off we go to the new beginning. Can there be an old beginning? The mind boggles....moment to boggle.

I would not defend the Obama administration for any numbers of reasons, on a multitude of issues. But, I must say that I have my Rahm Emanuel moments when I read the zombie like musings of the dead political theory of the party of limited government. You have got to wonder how Mr. Williams keeps up the fiction of the Republican fantasy after the Bush deficits and the expansion of executive power during the Bushite years. Perhaps it is a blessing to be fact challenged. Still, it is not covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act. I am sure that Mr. Williams could get a Republican and Blue Dog Democrat to sponsor a bill to study his affliction; it is certainly widespread, a veritable swine flu running through both political parties.

I guess The Hill folks are just like me: I just can't say no to a guy who needs a quarter or a buck when he is down and out.

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