Monday, June 22, 2009

Some Odds and Ends

I am feeling the pressure to be...not boring, UN-Gore, UN-Gary Null (perfect name). And, I must try to send my messages of warning and peace to any intelligent species who might thing that now is the time to come to earth and buy real estate in Manhattan. These are not my Prime Directives because I have intention deficit disorder that makes it almost impossible to take anyone or anything too seriously for too long.

I was harassed into calling this blog "Attack and Critique." But, I want you all to think of puppies and the Amish when reading my future postings. There is no getting around it: we are all really screwed as our empire is slip, sliding away (sounds familiar). So, with that in mind, I offer entertaining bits and pieces of our national and international catastrophe....history in the making. I offer you my worldview so that you do not feel compelled to tell me what I already know: I am not a serious person and probably will never serve my country on a coop board or substitute teach anywhere. So, let me share some of my observations, just for the hell of it.

Gitmo ridiculous has taken another prisoner in the person of Senator James Webb of Virginia. It appears that his brain was renditioned when he stated his objection to the release of four members of a Chinese Muslim minority group who were captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. These men were held in prison for almost seven years; they are now about to be released and Senator Webb objected to their release into the community of their co-religionist living in his state. The grounds for his objection was national security. The Chinese do not like these Muslims and call them terrorists. The Obama administration will not send these poor refugees back to China because they would most likely face torture and death; but, the Congress will not allow them to be settled in the United States....National security might translate like this: we have to kiss the Chinese collective behinds because they have 750 billion dollars of our debt obligations. Washington prays that the Chinese will not stop buys our paper and precipitate a collapse of the dollar. Of course, there is North Korea and global warming to add to the list.

When you think about it, the lives of a few men against all that money and Geo-political razzle dazzle, well, they're just people. Of course, we are all just people to be used for the greater good. Senator Webb's sense of national security seems to leave out a sense of national honor and obligation to the people who were unlawfully detained and robbed of years of their lives in the name of the our national interest. The courts found no reason to hold these Chinese refugees.

Of course, to have Gitmo detainees living amongst us would be to remind the nation of what we had become during the Bush years, the world's most trigger happy, super power. We tortured and called it enhanced interrogation; we kidnapped in the name of fighting terror; we violated the treaties and conventions against war crimes that we helped write. To have the living consequences of those policies walking amongst us would raise the questions that Obama and Bush don't have time for: the questions of accountability and justice. Not in the national interest I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Hola amigo. It's great to see you have finally decided to share your curmudgeonly self with the world...
